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Compiler Error Statement

One of the other benefits of the powerful type property system is that it is possible to identify programmer mistakes as a library developer. Then, you can provide clear error statements about what the user is doing wrong. This is part of a larger trend of making it possible to describe more compiler behavior from within the language itself.

For example, you might have a method List.get(Int i). If typechecking finds that the i that is passed in is less than zero, there is almost certainly a mistake by the programmer. In this case, it is worth having a compiler error statement. In this instance, the compiler can give the error back to the programmer and convert the runtime error into a compile error. It might look like:

List.get(Int_lt(0) i) = compilerError("You attempted to access a list with an index less than zero")
List_length[Int_lt(l)].get(Int_gt(l) i) = compilerError("You attempted to access a list with an index guaranteed to exceed the length of the list")

The most common use of this would be that a method is called with properties that are proven to be bad. Another case might be creating methods that allow the program to typecheck, but still throw the compilerError. This converts a vague typechecking error into a potentially more clear kind of error. One example would be assuming an optional is safe:

Optional[$T] -> $T = compilerError("You tried to use an optional value as if it was not optional")

Also under consideration, it might be worth throwing some of these as warnings instead of errors.