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Coming From Haskell

This is a short guide of things to keep in mind when using Catln for programmers from a Haskell background.

Arrow notation

Both Haskell and Catln use an arrow notation a -> b in types. However, they have different meanings.

In Haskell, a -> b would be read that you have a function which accepts an argument of type a and returns a value of type b.

If you see a -> b in Catln, it means that something of type a can be converted into something of type b. For example, List -> Set says that any list can be converted into a set.

To describe a function type, it would look like f(a) -> b where f is the function name or the argument name of the function. One benefit of this system is that having a name for f makes it easy to describe the function. It is also possible to have classes of functions such as Monotonic f(a) -> b where the class Monotonic is applied to f.